Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Five Points Antiques: Thrift Core's Third Antique Store Space

I am now the lucky renter of three antique store "booths." This third space located in the trendy, bohemian shopping and bar district that is Five Points is nostalgic for me. As a broke teen I'd browse the stores for inspiration, buying the "smalls" I could afford in pricey shops. Now I'm providing the small for them to buy. Full Circle! :)

This is my hasty set-up. I ran out of time yesterday after hours of tagging and filled in what I could. I'll definitely re-arrange and perfect my roomy four shelves soon. Someone bought an item I've been trying to sell off for months while I was walking into the store, definitely feels like a good sign!

Five Points Antiques is the former "Rainbows & Stars," a gay pride an apparel store. I love that they've kept some of the merchandise in the store and continue to support the community. This really feels like the perfect location for me, my funky colorful mod finds appeal to the Five Points Demographic. I'll follow-up soon and keep you posted on my progress.

How are you doing with your reselling and thrifting goals? Let's discuss in the comments!
Daily thrifting updates, information, & Inspiration: Follow Thrift Core on Twitter and Facebook.


  1. Awesome, Van! 3 booths? That's wonderful. Good luck to you with this new portion of your business!



    1. Thanks Dani! I hope you're doing well with your booth! :D

  2. Your booth is an eye catcher, it pulls me right in with all the cool kitschy mod treasures. So how much cooler will it be once you work your magic, way to go!

    Not much listing or thrifting this summer, I guess that is why they call them the crazy, lazy days of summer. So, sales come in to what I put out, (that kinda sounds naughty.)

    And, yeah on your sale!

    1. It's hard to stay motivated in summer, especially when the sales are slower!

  3. Congrats Van, I love hearing how you're doing with your booths.
    I've been re-selling again lately on eBay vintage /retro baby and children's clothing and items I can't keep up with the demand. I'm trying to source some wholesale lots but finding baby and children's lots in Australia is hardddddd. Need to keep looking further aboard but postage/shipping to Australia is a killer. Until then I'm hitting my secret haunts trying to fill the gaps for offerings.

    1. Thanks for sharing a bit of your reselling story here. When people tell me about their eBay success it makes me want to try that venue rather than Etsy.

    2. I know how you feel, I definitely needed more space and can fill up three booths and then some really easily. I may end up going with eBay after all...signs keep pointing to it being more cumbersome, but a better way to make money.

    3. I think it's a personal thing. Different things are going to work for different people. It's all about trial and error. I will be getting more involved with my Etsy store in time again, with my handmade goodies, but for now will likely concentrate my clothing efforts on eBay.

  4. Wow! 3 booths. Can't wait to see how this one goes.

    What's the rate for this one?

    1. This one is $45 per month. Not too bad for a high traffic area, center easily accessible aisle in the store and four large shelves to stuff with merchandise.

    2. Do they take a percentage from you at this one? I am working on a business plan for my business... I took the one you posted not to long ago as my guide.

    3. They take 10% like the other two stores I'm in for cash purchases, but unlike the others, they take 13% for credit card transactions. Every store I've encountered takes a percentage of sales as well as the monthly rent.

  5. Looks great. I would love to buy some of your stuff.
    Where are you located? ie Country? Area? etc?
    I hope it's near me... I'm traveling in the US at the moment but I'm from Australia.

  6. OH.... finally worked it out. Florida!

    1. Yep, I'm in Jacksonville Florida. If you can make it here you can always e-mail me about anything pictured. I ship internationally. :)

  7. Congratulations on booth #3! How fantastic that you've been able to spread out into three different antique store spaces, best of luck! I wish I could get motivated to do a flea market a few times this autumn, I have so many things that need to GO! XXX Suzanne

    1. I need to do the same...but I usually donate things I've given up on, I never make enough money to justify flea markets and yard sales.

  8. What about Spoons and Stoves...or whatever that one was just down by the Five Points Intersection? Is that still around?

    OK, I think you need to do a 5 Points Tour and show me everything that has changed! Is the movie theater still going? REVIEWS and TOURS, please!!!

    1. Fans and Stoves doesn't take new vendors anymore. Wish I could get in there! I definitely have plans to do tours of both Five Points at the Whiteway corner where Southern Crossing lives. I'd love for readers to see our bohemian antique-filled hood and great places to eat. ;) It'll help visitors and paint the picture of our reselling environment.

  9. Congrats on your third space! Well done you. Enjoyed the story about your teen years & coming full circle... that is great.

  10. Wow - a third booth! So exciting! I just started my first one, but I am already itching to upgrade my space. BTW, my store only charges rent, plus credit card fees - no percentage of my sales. Funny how places differ like that. Love reading about and seeing your booths.

    1. That's awesome, your booth is the first one I've heard of that doesn't charge of percentage of sales! And yep, when you move in you always feel like you're ready to expand. Especially when you only have a couple of shelves to spread out on like we do rather than a full "Booth"

  11. hey, congrats on the new space! i always love looking at the photos of your booths, wishing i could peek behind the little things to see what treasures i can find :P

    1. Thank you! :D I always think the same thing when I'm looking at pictures. Everything looks better in person....

  12. I agree with your conclusions and looking forward to your coming updates. Thanks for sharing..nice pics..

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