Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Monthly Experiments #2: Testing the Basics: Sleep, Water. Small Steps, Big Changes.

I love the Scientific Method and testing new products and processes, Monthly Experiments will explore Whole Living and Frugal methods to discover the ones that work. Some will be ongoing. I'll update on the results on these four tests March 11, 2014 and announce the new month's experiments.

Test 1: Will sleeping 9 hours a night improve brain function, body function, and appearance for the better?
Hypothesis 1: I think it will.

I'm one of those weirdos that loathes sleeping, letting work drag on too long. This month I'm going to stop work early, let myself have a life (yay!) and make myself sleep 9 hours a night. This is going to hurt.

Test 2: Will going on an un-extreme "detox" still help me improve general health and achieve weight loss?
Hypothesis 2: I think it will.

I've done three extreme raw detoxes, I feel the health boost but I'm not sure it's worth the extremism because it causes me to yo-yo in weight. This month I'm going to have 2 smoothies and a salad a day and snack on fruit, but allow myself to have a cooked vegan treat here or there if I want it. We'll see if this less invasive tactic helps. It's already feeling good thus far.

Test 3: Will I see/feel a difference starting the day with 4 cups of water I infused in lemon/orange slices overnight? And drinking 12 cups of water (all together) throughout the day? Will it reduce or increase water retention?
Hypothesis 3: I think I will feel a positive difference.

Some say 8 glasses of water isn't enough, especially if we're active or in heated environments that suck the moisture right out of our skin. Makes sense, we need water in our cells for organelle biochemical processes. Without water we have no cells! I always feel/look better (glowing skin) while super-hydrated. Morning infused water tastes great, gives you energy, and helps you "go" in the morning without the caffeine some end up relying on.

Test 4: Will setting a daily schedule a month ahead of time and sticking to it help me complete some long-time BIG Goals and projects AND save as much as possible.
Hypothesis 4: I think it will.

In the past when I set detailed action steps I was incredible productive. Need to get back on it and get my goal list did!

Test 1: Will consuming Spirulina each day all month result in visually and physically improved health?
Hypothesis 1: I think it will.
Result: Hair growth, fast nail growth, (reported circumstances of usage) no other obvious improvements to me but I want to use up the rest of the supply and continue to monitor progress.

Test 2: Will taking prenatal & biotin supplements result in over .5 inches in hair growth? Or other benefits?
Hypothesis 2: I don't believe it will.
Result: Hair grows at a rate of .5 inches a month. Mine grew 1 inch this month! Hairdresser noticed a difference too!

Test 3: Will using only one set of lights at night, unplugging chargers and turning off computers immediately after use result in a lower electric bill?
Hypothesis 3: I believe it will.
Result: Even using the AC and Heater more (damn you skitzophrenic Florida weather!) the bill was lower.

Test 4: Will My Hippie Organic Mouthwash (recipe soon!) /Toothpaste/Flossing techniques result in better mouth health?
Hypothesis 4: I believe it will.
Result: My boyfriend and I LOVE IT. The mouth feels so very clean and healthy, gums feel less inflamed/sensitive.

* * *

Ongoing 1: The Longest Pertiest Hairz Ever! - hair growth is going well! quality, however, well...honestly, it needs a big cut. :( Like 4 inches I'd say but for the sake of Science I'll keep growing.

Ongoing 2: Saving/Earning as Much as Possible. Will update on progress next month.

Ongoing 3: 30 Minutes Exercise 5 Days a Week: Will update on sporadic "Bike Journal" posts. Will I increase strength, muscle tone, energy and mental clarity by merely adding 30 minutes bike cardio?

I will follow up with the results of these experiments next month. What do you think the results of experiments 1-4 will be? Place your bets! Let me know if there are any other experiments you'd like me to try, send me an e-mail or Instagram/Facebook/Twitter message. Open to all suggestions! (Sales increasing ones would be awesome, too!)

/Comments Off  But I'll get back to any e-mails quickly!
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