Friday, October 14, 2016

Halloween Freebies: Zero Dollar Movies, Playlists, Art, Printables and More

I have scoured all the internets, sucking all the sweet delicious Halloween out for you! 
Actually, I'm just fortunate enough that my day job lets me play music and/or YouTube videos in the background while I work all day! It's crazy the amount of audio and video I work through. And since horror is my comfort in the night, my sweet snug security blanket, I've got a lot of that to recommend for your Halloween watching and listening.

Halloween ClipArt Some free Halloween public domain images and clipart for your Halloween printing and crafting needs.

The Graphics Fairy Has a gorgeous selection of charming vintage Halloween images for free usage. Vintage anatomy posters and lovely illustrations galore. Tons of FREE Public Domain Horror Movies!

Alice Sweet Alice: I recommended this in my first horror movie round-up and now you can watch it all for free online! (Starts about 1:25 min in, they digitally changed the logo from the original beautiful hand-drawn one but it's otherwise intact.)

I discussed the film briefly on my first annual Halloween movie recommendation list. My parents had the VHS and the cover alone was SO scary I had to hide it. I'm not alone here! Berge's (Joblo, famous horror movie reviewer) review of the movie mentions a girl he met and how the film impacted her so much as a child that she couldn't look at the box art! As an adult I can appreciate the  delicious Giallo-like atmosphere. The movies is all at once sad, sincere, and powerful. (And even a little funny with dashes of the darkest, blackest of humor.) A "slasher" with a deeper message and symbolism. All my fellow bitter former-catholics will understand what this bloody movie is saying about the suffocating powers of Catholic guilt. The low budget adds to it. Just watch it, let me know how you like it. It's free!  [/end non-sequitor rant]

Corpse Husband: A channel that reads "real" it-happened-to-me stories submitted by readers. Excellent background listening for the season! There are several others like his but this is my favorite channel. The one with creepy audio recordings was so disturbing I stopped it to wait until I had company and daylight to listen to the rest.

Abandoned: As a former vintage seller and someone who spends a LOT of time marketing and thinking about marketing, I am obsessed with abandoned spaces and businesses. I love the explore them, unravel their story. What events in history led to the abandonment? The textures are gorgeous, nature reclaiming the old buildings is stunning, everything about it is fascinating. This series exhaustively researches abandoned retail and theme parks, a fascinating watch.

NostalgiaWeen: The Nostalgia Critic has been making comical reviews of horror movies for years. You can watch his newest ones on his main channel. Always brightens up the season for me, ur, even more!

Jordan Underneath: Beautifully shot, high-quality horror video game (and some horror movie and cartoon) reviews. Even if you don't play games, the deeper thoughts on the art direction, symbolism or motifs of each game and cinematic way he shoots things makes them entertaining.

Halloween: The Inside Story: Halloween is an incredible debut film made on a shoestring by a preternaturally talented film student, a then unknown who'd go on to be a titan in the horror genre. Mixing Hithcock's suspense with then-new tracking camera technology, it's a perennial classic for a reason! This behind-the-scenes in-depth documentary on the film was fascinating! It was amazing to learn everything (a lot of serendipity in this one) that went into making one of my favorite horror films as incredible as it is.

History Channel The Ready Story of Halloween A cute, fluffy documentary on the history of Halloween. Doesn't go in-depth but does a good job of getting you in the spirit.

The Horror Den A Bunch of free, cheesy 90s thrillers and horror movies. I love these!

Webtoon's Horror Zone Webtoons has a horror zone up for the season and the comics are CREEPY, they even have a warning for people with heart problems not to watch! Expect some subtle movements in the panels in the comics for maximum fear factor!

Silly Bonus: 19 Seconds of the Best Batman Reaction Ever, I just cried laughing watching + Haunted History of Halloween + Hidden Killers in Victorian Homes, aah, horror for real! And the part II to that series, just as scary

/Comments Off  I'll be "off" for my Birthday but I'll be back next week with some fun posts.
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